Small Business Finance

At Viclend, we understand the financial needs of small businesses – we are one! We have the experience, professional and personal, that you need to help start, maintain and finance your small business. We offer in-depth assessments to really get to know your business – from there, we’re in the best position to secure the most favorable finance option for your situation.

With a combined total of over 35 years in finance, Viclend has built relationships with Australia’s leading lenders. We understand who to go to with your application, what particulars will accept – and, importantly, what they won’t.

Starting a business is a life-changing decision – and we’re committed to making sure every single person is empowered to make that decision. If you’ve been told it can’t be done, come to Viclend. We take the time to go over your individual situation, assess your finances & assets and come up with a way to make the impossible possible.

We’ve already helped countless small business owners achieve their dream – let us help you. Call us on (03) 9388 8883 or organize an appointment online with our fast ‘Book An Appointment’ form.